- Xoom IT/TCO
Setup: I was managing a small team that was in three different geographies. We serviced Customer Support, IT, and escalated directly to the Engineering team. The role was extremely important in keeping processing Partners operational, and ensuring high levels of transparency in regards to possible customer delays.
Problem: IT had 4000+ alerts and we were reporting on them. My team didn’t really understand what they meant, or what they were escalating. The IT team felt that my team was escalating too many issues, but couldn’t provide details or meaningful feedback. Both teams felt like the other was operating poorly, and trust was eroding.
Solution: We did a full audit of the alerts. We held meetings covering the alerts in groups – much to the reluctance of IT. Documenting each group of alerts, we also expanded on our knowledge base to include what they were checking, and how they were related. While auditing, we also directly challenged any alerts that didn’t make sense.
Results: We reduced the number of alerts from over 4000 to roughly 2500. We had each alert documented, and added more details on our overall design of the systems. Our team was more knowledgeable and better equipped to pivot based on a situation. IT was very pleased with the better escalated alerts, and fewer escalations. The last bonus was completely separate. Better reporting on issues meant that we were holding our processing Partners more accountable to operations. The more documented cases we were capturing meant that Business Development could better negotiate pricing with our Partners because they had clear information on how well the Partner was performing.
Product & Package Offerings
1 – month contract
20k / mo
Up to 170 hours of direct work.
Elements of focus
Gap analysis on people / structure / processes / tools
People mentoring (in various levels of operations)
Stakeholder engagement and relationship building
Meeting cadence preparation
1 on 1 coaching/advice
2 – hourly contract
250 / hr
3 – Gap analysis
5k – one time fee (up to 15 hours – hourly if longer)
Perform an analysis on overall operations structure and maturity
Will review: People / Structures / Processes / Tools
Approx time (2 weeks)
4 RFP Support
10k – one time fee (up to 30 hours – hourly add on if longer)
Create the RFP proposal
Share through different industry networks
Create a matrix for evaluation of the vendors
Interview the vendors
Present the findings and recommendations